New CNFTs available. Collect Now
What are our targets for this project?
We love to discover/create art . This projects for those people who loves art.
Our target is to create 1000 CNFTs collection & we are on our way.
Are we achieving them?
We have already created almost 200 CNFTs and also near future planning to launch our 3 new projects ( 1. ADA Stamps CNFTs, 2. Frank CNFTs 2nd seasons, & 3. rwiat-nfts 1/1 CNFTs) where we will be publishing 200 more CNFTs.
How fast are we achieving them?
According to our road map, we expect around this year (2023) we will be able to collect our 1000 unique NFTs.
Are we on track to achieve them all by the time this project’s timeframe elapses?
We are already launched our 4 projects
1. Cardano Club NFTs
2. Jurassic Club NFTs
3. rwiat-nfts unique edition
4. Frank CNFTs
And also we are working on our 3 projects
1. ADA Stamps CNFTs
2. 2nd season of Frank CNFTs
3. rwiat-nfts 1/1 CNFTs
We hoping we could be reaching 500 CNFTs around june 2023.